Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple, Kasargod

lake temple
 Entrance of Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple, Kasargod. 6km from kumbala, kasargod
lake temple
Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple, Kasargod
crocodile kerala temple
Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple, Kasargod

late temple
Bhilvamangala Cave , Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple, Kasargod
Bhilvamangala Cave, It is a belief that this cave is the passage through which Sri Maha vishnu,(Ananthapathmanabha swamy ) have gone to Pathmanabha swamy temple, Thiruvanathapuram

babiya babia crocodile
Vana shastra pond, Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple, Kasargod
Vana shastra pond, Pond where Babia (The crocodile)resides.

pathmanabhaswami temple
kasargod temple
Statue of hanuman at Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple

land of gods kasargod
Mahishasura Mardhini at Sri Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple

Sree Ananthapuram Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple

 Sri Ananthapadmanabha Swamy Temple is located at Ananthapura near Kumbala of Kasargod ,Kerala. It is one of the oldest temple in kerala and also the only lake temple of kerala. This temple is situated on top of a hill.

The Sreekovil of the temple is in the middle of the lake, which is a great architectural wonder of this temple, a small bridge leads us to the sreekovil premises.

Ananthapuram Temple is known as Sree Padhmanabha Swami's place of origin, residing at Sree Ananthapathmanabha Swamy Temple , Thiruvananthapuram.

There is an omnivorian crocodile (Babia) in this Temple for the past 60 years or even more.Thereis a belief that this temple is guarded by that crocodile named Babia.

Babia is daily feeded by the poojari and devotees also, but the feeding will be done by the poojari only . The ritual offerings can be offered at the counter with a minimal charge of just Rs.30. Babia doesnt eat anything, other than the food given by the temple poojaris.

Another main speciality of this temple is its Idiol which is different compared to other temples. The main idiol of the temple is not made of stone , copper or any other metal, Its made of a rare and a special composition called Kadu-Sarkara-Yogam,a mixture of more than 60 Ayurvedic materials.

The annual festival is celebrated in the month of Feb (Malayala Masam Kumbal )
The prathishta dhinam will be celebrated in the month of Aug.

Other deities in this temple are: Mahishasura mardini ,Sri goshale krishna , Sri Maha Ganapathy

Location: Ananthapura, Near Kumbala of Kasargod District , Kerala
From kasargod: 16Kms
From mangalore : 64 Kms

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