Sunday, May 26, 2013

Madhur Temple / Sri Madanantheswara SiddhiVinayaka Temple

land of gods kasargod
Madhur Temple or Sri Madanantheswara SiddhiVinayaka Temple 

land of gods kasargod
Madhur Temple or Sri Madanantheswara SiddhiVinayaka Temple 
 Madhur Temple or Sri madanantheswara Siddhivinayaka Temple is  one of the famous Vinayaka temple in kerala located around 8 kms from Kasargod situated on the bank of madhuvahini river. The Main idol of this temple is lord Shiva. The Architecture of this temple is different from other temples in Kerala. The architecture and Coppper roofing of the temple makes this temple unique from other temples.

land of gods kasargod
Seva List of Madhur Temple or Sri Madanantheswara SiddhiVinayaka Temple 
 List of Prayers offered at  Sri Madanantheswara Siddhi Vinayaka Temple / Seva List

The main prasadam of this temple is their "appam". Any one offering prayers can get this appam from the counters.  The main festival of the temple is Moodappa Seva, which is covering the idol with appam made of ghee and rice with a special preparation, which requires a huge expense hence it is celebrated periodically. Moodappa seva was last celebrated in 1992. Annual festival is celebrated in the month of March and April.
During Rainy season the river Madhuvahini overflows and the water gets into temple campus ,so its not best to visit the temple during rainy seasons.

land of gods kasargod
Front view.
Front view of Sri Madanantheswara SiddhiVinayaka Temple
kasargod temples
Entrance of Sri Madanantheswara SiddhiVinayaka Temple 

Temple Decorated during the annual festival in the month of April.

Bus Kasargod and Karnataka
Karnataka Bus (Mangalore -Madhur - Kasargod Interstate)and Kerala Bus (Madhur-Kasargod) in front of Sri Madanantheswara SiddhiVinayaka Temple 

Buses are available from both Kasargod as well as from Mangalore. 8kms from kasargod, 55kms from Mangalore. 
Nearest Railway station : Kasargod
Nearest Airpost : Mangalore International Airport, Mangalore

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